Sunday 21 June 2015

Social Studies TLCP

The Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway is a model used to organize actions for teaching and student learning.  Read more about the TLCP model here.

Here is the Social Studies TLCP outline that we will be covering, including details such as the overall big idea, guiding questions, the culminating task, and potential subtasks.

In this TLCP, the focus will be centered on the Social Studies strand A. Heritage and Identity: Communities in Canada, Past and Present.  The big idea will be Canadian culture and identity, with the guiding overall question “How has the culture of different groups shaped our Canadian identity?”  With this open-ended big idea, students will be able to form their own inquiry questions and guide their own learning.  Daily guiding questions/topics will encourage students to explore topics such as cultures across the world, cultures within their community and across Canada, similarities and differences between different cultures, and examine cultures from different points of view.  Inquiry cycles will have students exploring these topics and more by starting with a guiding question or big idea, drawing on information that they know about the topic to form more inquiry questions, using these questions to guide their learning, researching in a variety of ways (e.g. creating and performing surveys, researching online, etc.), and sharing their knowledge in a variety of forms (e.g. presentations, drama, written reflections, etc.).

This unit is relevant to all students as it allows them to draw on their own experiences as they explore different cultures in Canada and across the world.  The big idea of Canadian culture and identity matter to all students so that they can learn that there are many different cultures within Canada and learn to celebrate diversity in their country, their community, and their school and class.  This TLCP relates to Social Studies as it allows students to follow the inquiry cycle to explore the culture and identity in Canadian communities in the past and present (which relates to strand A in the Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum).

Sunday 7 June 2015

Science Resources

Here are the topics we will be looking into in Science this year.  Click the following image to enlarge it:

These topics are explained in more detail in the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum, which can be found here: